Parashat Tetzave
Over the past week, the Sydney Mad body was hard at work, on Madsem, planning for Hineni 2018. Yummy food was eaten. Words of Torah...
Parashat Terumah
This weekend the madrichim will be on a seminar aptly titled 'madsem'🎉🎉🎉. As most of us live at home, this means being away from our...
Parashat Mishpatim
Shalom Chaverim, Next week the Madrichim are heading off for a weekend seminar to prepare ourselves for a new year of educating, ruaching...
Parashat Yitro
Hi, I am Eitan Meyerowitz and I am the new Head of Jewish Life at Hineni for 2018. Last year while I was on Hineni Shnat, Benji Prawer...